This webinar will give you an overview on the DIGITbrain Open Call and will prepare you for the application process. By learning more about what DIGITbrain is, which are the expected use cases and what other SMEs like yours have already achieved within the project, you will better hit the narrow target of the Open Call.
Representants from our Digital Innovation Hubs, Technical Partners as well as experiment partners from former experiments will be present during the event to answer your questions.
Date: 10th March 2022, 11:00 AM CET
Preliminary Agenda:
- Welcome | Open Call Details and Funding Mechanisms.
Dr Giacomo P. Benedetti, Project Manager at START4.0, Leading DIGITbrain's DIHs Network - (5 Min.) - Project overview.
Dr Antonio M. Ortiz, DIGITbrain Project Coordinator, PNO Consultants - (5 Min.) - Which experiments/use cases are we looking for?
Prof Dr André Stork, Head of Department for Interactive Engineering Technologies, Fraunhofer IGD and Scientific Coordinator of DIGITbrain Project - (10 Min.) - Experiences from previous experiments.
- Mauro Viscardi, Project and Innovation Manager at Cosberg spa - DIGITBREAK experiment (10 Min.)
- Zsolt Pásztor, CEO at Premet Ltd - Experiences from ProMED experiment (10 Min.)
- Q&A - (about 30 Min.)
Hold any questions you want to raise ready to be posed directly to the members of the project consortium in the Q&A session or drop us a line in advance to opencall@digitbrain-dev.innen.it. You can also directly contact the Digital innovation Hubs (DIHs) in your region to receive support.
Watch webinar recording:
Watch single lectures:
Download the presentations of the webinar hosts:
Prof. Dr André Stork
Scientific Coordinator
Head of Department for Interactive Engineering Technologies, Fraunhofer IGD
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