Our Local Days Events for 2022 are in the starting blocks!
What is a Local Day? Let's cut to the chase, our local days help you find your way around the DIGITbrain project and learn what a successful Open Call application process looks like. The events are hosted by our Digital Innovation Hubs, but who are they?
About the (last) Open Call
In every Open Call, DIGITbrain will add 7 new highly innovative experiments, bringing together technology providers and manufacturing end-users, each implementing an individual use case-based Digital Twin. Experiments can cover the manufacturing sector at large, including for example discrete manufacturing, continuous production, or construction. In total, we conduct three waves of experiments, the third wave is going to start in the first quarter of 2022.
Do you want to apply for the DIGITbrain Open Call, but you are not sure about the application process?
If so, you should definitely participate in our Local Days series, which are special training workshops (50 min) designed for manufacturing companies, giving them training and best practices on the Open Call application procedure. The events will be hosted by our Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) in six different countries!
Six DIHs, six European Regions, and six EU Countries represented
The DIHs know their country and culture well, are familiar with national challenges and reservations, and the EUC funding landscape, and bring in six different languages (English, Italian, Hungarian, Spanish, Danish, Finnish), to ease your barriers to joining our project as an experiment.
If you are interested in taking part in a regional event, leave us a note - we forward your request to the Digital Innovation Hub in charge.
Or directly contact the DIH, hosting the event in your region.
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