Find out more about the DigitBreak project co-funded by Horizon 2020 together with the project partner Enginesoft and the two competence centers MADE Competence Center i4.0 and START 4.0. This webinar, given in Italian, will give you an overview on DIGITbrain Project and additionally provide insights into DigitBreak experiment, lessons learned and goals achieved. The experiment aims to develop, integrate and demonstrate a new Simulation Based Digital Twin (SBDT) of an automotive brake assembly line production system.
Date - Wednesday, 27th April 2022, 11:00 - 11:30 AM CEST
Presentations will be given by
- Giovanni Borzi - EnginSoft Italy
- Giacomo Pepe Benedetti - START 4.0 - Center of Competence
- Maria Rossetti - MADE - Industry 4.0 Competence Center
DIGITbrain Funding
The 2nd Open Call is now up and running! Interested? - Apply now here!
- Experiments will be able to obtain up to 100K Euros
- Single entities will be able to obtain up to 60K Euros
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