DIGITbrain's 2nd General Assembly
In the last days, our project members are busy to get ready for the upcoming General Assembly of the H2020 Innovation Action DIGITbrain. Next Thursday we will meet up virtually to present and discuss the to assess the overall progress of the project activities and the first two waves of experiments, of which the second wave is currently being performed. All Work Packages will present the status of their current work and their next activities. The meeting will will help to ensure that all partners are on schedule and that they have all the resources to meet the set targets for this project period. The results of this project period will be reported to the European Commission in the next review meeting.
After two successfully completed Open Calls, launched in 2021 and 2022, the project members are further looking towards a promising third wave of experiments to be performed in the last project period.
Agenda for the General Assembly
Thursday, 1st of September
- 09:00 – 11:00: Morning Session
experiments presentations, discussions, potential delays identification, and commercialisation approach - 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch Break
- 14:00 – 15:15: Working Groups
- 15:15 – 15:35: WP1 Technical Wrap-up
- 15:35 - 16:00: Conclusions
Do you want to learn more about DIGITbrain Project?
DIGITbrain is an EU innovation program which aims to unleash manufacturers' innovation potential through Digital Twins. By offering easy access to Digital Twins to manufacturing companies it for example enables them to rationalise the manufacturing process, make predictions regarding expected machine failures and can predict maintenance needs. In its lifetime, the project will implement 21 highly innovative experiments, each bringing together a team of a manufacturing end-user, technology providers, research organisations, High Performance Computing providers or Digital Innovation Hubs, in order to implement an individual use case-based Digital Twin.
Read more about DIGITbrain Experiments here.
The project started with 36 partners from all over Europe in July 2020 and offered the opportunity for another 35-40 companies to join the project in two open calls. Selected new beneficiaries will receive funding from the European Commission to perform experimentation to build a Digital Twin for manufacturing. Through the successful implementation of 21 application experiments during the project lifetime which serve to validate the DIGITbrain solution, the Digital Product Brain, New beneficiaries won over in the second open call will be announced at the beginning of September 2022.
Read more about DIGITbrain open calls here.
DIGITbrain Project will follow its mission to become “the leading European community-driven workspace for leveraging Digital Twins” by leveraging the capabilities of the emGORA workspace - core product developed within the CloudiFacturing Project.
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