Collaboration with Change2Twin Project

DIGITbrain and Change2Twin Project entered into a first collaboration this month. Both Innovation Actions started within the I4MS phase 4 and will therefore be part of the I4MS collaboration plan for this time frame. This entails joint activities and mutual support of involved Innovation Actions.

The first joint action will be the participation in the 5th Austrian Industry 4.0 Summit (online event this year). DIGITbrain will have the opportunity to be part of the event due to an invitation of Change2Twin Project. In addition to the Platform Industry 4.0 program, parallel sessions in the afternoon will also be held virtually on the topics of digital twins (Change2Twin & DIGITbrain) and security in the IoT context (IoT4CPS).

The event will be organized together Styrian Economic Development Agency SFG and BABEG Kärntner Betriebsansiedlungs- und Beteiligungsgesellschaft under the motto To welcome “digital: regional” live from the virtual studio in the Schumpeter Laboratory of TU Graz.



Digitaler Zwilling für mein Unternehmen und Förderung von Change2Twin

Was ist ein Digitaler Zwilling und wie er KMU im Fertigungsprozess unterstützen kann
Michael Borth, TNO, NL

Auf der Überholspur zum eigenen Digitalen Zwilling
Marcela Alzin, TTTech Industrial, AT

DIGITBrain – „Digital Product Brain“
Andreas Ocklenburg, CloudSME, DE

Marcela Alzin, TTTech Industrial

Get more information about the event here:

DIGITbrain's approach goes a step beyond currently available technology related to digital twins.
Click on the picture to read the full interview with former project coordinator Antonio M. Ortiz!